Sunday, August 19, 2012

Change has arrived

Change can come so fast that it can blindside you and sideline you.  I knew the time was coming realtively soon, but the actual experience is just numbing.  How long have I longed for a place of my own?  Just mine.   Now I have an entire house to myself.  I hope that Dale didn't feel my longing in the wrong way and think that I didn't want him around. 

But he is here!  He is around every corner. He is outside looking over his beloved hills watching the morning wildlife scamper around.  They were not afraid of him.  Maybe they knew? He is in his shop tinkering around........he is all around. I can still feel his little paw-like hands covering mine. I can see his messy blond head. 

I am still trying to process that he was really sick, let alone that he is gone. But, I know that we gave each other the best ten years either of us had ever experienced and I wouldn't trade that for anything.

Dear Dale,

I will always love you, but I will continue my journey as scarey as it is. I will remember you and I will feel safe.

Love, Sherry



  1. This is beautiful, Sherry. You are beautiful. I admire your precious heart so much.

  2. Mom, that note to Dale made me cry.
