Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Things are changing

I changed my blog title to match the direction that I would like to go in. I am not there, but the walk has begun.

At some point in the future I will have to totally re-evaluate my entire life. I will have to match my words and steps.  Some things I do know, though.......

I will live a semi-minimalist life
Life will be simpler so that I can do the things I really want to.

That is enough to mull over for now.  Those two things, but that will include my entire life, lol.

A few things that I am planning for now:

To pare down all things to just what I use.
I want those useful things to be beautiful and bring me joy.
I will immerse myself in my children/grandchildren.
I will plan a streamlined household routine so that I can -
Enjoy my crafts and have a place to work on them.
   Crafts include: crochet, calligraphy, reading.
Meditate and get in touch with my innermost spiritual self.

There are soooo many sub-categories that I now have the rest of my life planned out.  Let's see how all of that turns out.  I have had basically the same list for years, so there is nothing new on it, but it is just about time to get down and dirty and get on with it. 

Even though this list is larger than I would like, it pretty much sums up my desires and I really never have gathered all of my thoughts together in one place. You see, if I put them "out there", then I am responsible to myself and anyone else that should happen along. If I have too much I will get overwhelmed. I will have to share this with my family so that they will understand when I get balky with them! I think that this is a pretty good list for the full-fledged introvert that I am.  Anyone identify?????

Monday, July 23, 2012

Who I am

That is just a weird title, right?  I wanted to ask "who am I"?  I suppose I am always searching even when I am not aware of it.  Since I am a total introvert, I am forever questioning myself as to why I react to things like I do.  Why don't I like crowds of people, a lot of noise, clutter, confusion?  Most people seem to thrive on it quite well.  That is ok, go ahead, I say, but I will pass, ya know.  Since I have learned that I am not really that weird (there are others out there and you know who you are:) I feel that I can be myself more and the world be damned! 

So here goes:  I am short, I am "chubby" :), I have short dark hair because I don't like to mess with girly stuff. No nail polish, not much bling. I like a neat, almost sparse house without a lot of fussy stuff to distract me. At my age, I am very easily distracted anyway.  I don't like to do housework, so I pay someone more than I make to clean it.  This will all end when I can't afford to pay her.

I work at a small oil/fuel bulk plant as the bookkeeper/secretary. This is so darn funny because I am probably less suited for this than anything I can think of.  But, my boss is a sweet, old school Oklahoma cowboy and he gives me wayyyy more lee-way than he should.  I can do the job because we still "cipher" with pen and paper and adding machines.  Do not take credit cards and only use a computer for monthy government reports and e-mail (mostly mine, lol)  But as long as I get my work done he really doesn't care what I do.  And as you can see I am doing what I want to right this minute!

I live in a small house (about 880 sq. ft.) and sometimes I feel like it is too big. There is a walkout basement, but I don't go down there! Hubby and I bought it about 7 years ago because we felt sorry for it, I guess. But we did a lot of work on it and now it is home. Let me see if I can dig up a picture or 2, hang on...............

House and shop

Sorry, I am new at this.
Ok, this is better.  I don't know how to get the other 2 off.  Anyway 3 acres of rocks and I love every one of them!  I hope I will be able to stay there by myself later...............     I will post the wonderful view from the back later.  Don't ya just love cyber voyeurism?????? We are about 10 miles from town.

My daughters live close, so I get to see them and my precious grandbabies whenever.  Let me see if I can find a pic for them. Ok another time, the family pics are on my computer at home.  I am so techno challenged, lol!

I am not religious, but am a Christian.  It makes sense if you think about it.  God/Jesus without all the trimmings.

I live in the South, can you hear my accent? :)

Ok, I don't have anything really profound to leave you with, but: Find out the "who" of you that God made. You won't find peace any other way.


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

As Time Goes By

Time flies, time stands still
Time is a friend or an enemy
Time to stay, time to go
I feel helpless so I stand still

Time is cruel, time is sweet
It is all we are given
There is never enough
Yet, there is just enough.

Time please slow down
For one more gentle kiss
For one more kind word
Before it is time to go

Time be swift if you must
To spare pain and sorrow
For the one I love
Who's hand I hold                  

Time stop so we can remember
The sweetness you've given
If you must go
Leave the memories.

                                                                      Dale has been my Rock

This is for my husband who is now in a fight for his life with cancer. They give him no hope, but hope never really dies, does it?

For the very first time in my life I will be alone. I have to say that I am not afraid, but I am already lonely as the pain drugs pull him to a better place, but rip him away from me.

Sometimes I wonder "how much time" do we actually have? Sometimes I stare out over the hills frozen in time.

So much to do, but I no longer care.  Maybe I will again some day. I go throught the motions and that is how I know that I am alive.

Maybe tommorrow will be better.