Monday, July 23, 2012

Who I am

That is just a weird title, right?  I wanted to ask "who am I"?  I suppose I am always searching even when I am not aware of it.  Since I am a total introvert, I am forever questioning myself as to why I react to things like I do.  Why don't I like crowds of people, a lot of noise, clutter, confusion?  Most people seem to thrive on it quite well.  That is ok, go ahead, I say, but I will pass, ya know.  Since I have learned that I am not really that weird (there are others out there and you know who you are:) I feel that I can be myself more and the world be damned! 

So here goes:  I am short, I am "chubby" :), I have short dark hair because I don't like to mess with girly stuff. No nail polish, not much bling. I like a neat, almost sparse house without a lot of fussy stuff to distract me. At my age, I am very easily distracted anyway.  I don't like to do housework, so I pay someone more than I make to clean it.  This will all end when I can't afford to pay her.

I work at a small oil/fuel bulk plant as the bookkeeper/secretary. This is so darn funny because I am probably less suited for this than anything I can think of.  But, my boss is a sweet, old school Oklahoma cowboy and he gives me wayyyy more lee-way than he should.  I can do the job because we still "cipher" with pen and paper and adding machines.  Do not take credit cards and only use a computer for monthy government reports and e-mail (mostly mine, lol)  But as long as I get my work done he really doesn't care what I do.  And as you can see I am doing what I want to right this minute!

I live in a small house (about 880 sq. ft.) and sometimes I feel like it is too big. There is a walkout basement, but I don't go down there! Hubby and I bought it about 7 years ago because we felt sorry for it, I guess. But we did a lot of work on it and now it is home. Let me see if I can dig up a picture or 2, hang on...............

House and shop

Sorry, I am new at this.
Ok, this is better.  I don't know how to get the other 2 off.  Anyway 3 acres of rocks and I love every one of them!  I hope I will be able to stay there by myself later...............     I will post the wonderful view from the back later.  Don't ya just love cyber voyeurism?????? We are about 10 miles from town.

My daughters live close, so I get to see them and my precious grandbabies whenever.  Let me see if I can find a pic for them. Ok another time, the family pics are on my computer at home.  I am so techno challenged, lol!

I am not religious, but am a Christian.  It makes sense if you think about it.  God/Jesus without all the trimmings.

I live in the South, can you hear my accent? :)

Ok, I don't have anything really profound to leave you with, but: Find out the "who" of you that God made. You won't find peace any other way.



  1. Oh goodness, thank you for posting these! I so loved seeing your home! Can we go inside one day? x

  2. If I stay there, I want all of you to come and see me. I can post a few pics one of these days, but it has been changed from when we fist put our heart and soul into it. Tiny, sweet little place.
